Amp It #1: Friends


Time to tell your friends what you’ve been working on! Your best fans are those closest to you.

Tell your friends and family that you have a business. Ask for their support with a specific call-to-action. You should have a completed Facebook page that you can share by text or email.

Get easy reach on Facebook by asking your friends to Like your page. Do this with new friends every week to gain new fans. Engage with anyone who Likes your page. See if they’ll buy your product. They gave you permission to contact them. Start the dialogue. No Facebook Ads necessary to do this.

Check all of your social networks for email addresses – LinkedIn especially. Add all emails into a mailing list using a platform like MailChimp for your email marketing campaign.

Share your product or shop photos on Instagram with your friends and post content for them consistently. Like, comment and follow potential customer profiles to start a social dialogue and develop a new visual marketing channel. It only takes 30 minutes per day to build your presence on Instagram or any social network. If you hate it, train a young person to do it.

Host a “Friends & Family” party. Dial up your closest friends for an exclusive event at your shop next week (yes, next week or never). Get a solid commitment from 10 friends or more and make it fun.

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