Amp It #3: Guest Posting


Start giving back by writing for others – the best way to build web traffic quickly when you’re starting out.

I like to find 100 top blogs in my niche to contact. Finding an email can be a challenge if it doesn’t appear on the Contact page. As an alternative, consider reaching out on Twitter or another social media platform.

Here is a script I use to reach out to bloggers in my niche:

Subject Line: Brilliant Guest Posts

Hey [Blogger name],

Love your site. Noticed you write a lot about [subject]. I recently wrote a post for [Name of blog] that generated numerous social shares.

I have a few guest post ideas I’d love to share with you:

[Headline 1]
[Headline 2]
[Headline 3]

I will send over a finished post if any of these stand out to you?


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