5 Ways to Improve Website Speed (+ Revenues)



Here are 5 tips to improve your website’s speed (and boost revenues):

  1. Use Astra WordPress theme (lightweight and free)
  2. Compress images (use online tools like TinyPNG or TinyJPG)
  3. Optimize server (clean the MySQL database, contact web host for help)
  4. Minify code (CSS and HTML)
  5. Follow Google PageSpeed’s list of suggestions

Controversial bonus tips:

  1. Don’t use embeds (link out instead)
  2. Don’t use plugins (they actually slow down the site!)
  3. Skip Google Analytics if you’re starting out, it slows the site down. The most important metric is sales!

Note: Your aim for website speed should be under 3 seconds, as half of visitors are lost on page load alone. Amazon invests heavily in website optimization for speed. My suggestions are especially important if you are running an eCommerce business, where sales are critical.

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