Become the Architect of Your Life

It feels like I have attended countless self-help seminars and viewed endless motivational YouTube videos in my lifetime.

Here’s the reality: my life was still in the exact same place after consuming all of this ra ra content. I needed to make serious changes to my day, changes that transcended a temporary motivational hit or impulse.

Then I learned through self-reflection that I essentially treat my life like an architect, always designing and building processes to make habits stick. I was becoming the architect of my own life.

You can start building the life and business you want. It starts by looking at all of the problems that may be in your way, and developing solutions to address them.

I’ve mentioned a style of coaching called GROW, which properly moves people forward in their lives. GROW stands for Goal; Current Reality; Options (or Obstacles); and Will (or Way Forward).

One of the biggest problems to someone trying to solve their life problems is that they have vague goals. Right off the bat, most coaching fails when vague goals are established. This is partially the fault of the coach for not pushing to make the goals clear, but also the client’s fault for not taking on the responsibility of establishing proper goals. It’s easier to state a vague goal, because we often want to stay in a state of inertia, or the status quo. It’s more comfortable there.

To become the true architect of your life, establishing concrete goals along every step of the way is paramount.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely goals. This is the foundation of proper goal-setting.

Architecture is all about foundation. Without it, you will never have a long-lasting life design. With it, you will design the life that stands the tests of time.

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