Baby’s First Steps as a Children’s Author and Illustrator :)


Baby’s First Steps as a Children’s Author and Illustrator 🙂


This is a recap of my author journey thus far.


  • Honest as far as the quality of work, maybe 5 out of 80 were successfully made, where I said wow, that’s cute.
  • Not too interested in forcing the stories onto people (book sales is tricky), and kids should not be sold to. So that leaves me with the parents.
  • I believe parents should have a story in their hands that brings value to the family relationship.
  • As a creator, author, illustrator, you will inevitably run into hits and misses. Just look at the sketches on Saturday Night Live. The important thing is to keep going, to keep making.
  • Over time, it’s possible that my work could improve. If it takes 10 years, then so it must be.
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