Honeybee, I Need You


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Honeybee, I Need You is a poetic children’s book about a bee who intentionally injures himself for the love and attention of a bee doctor.

Honeybee, I need you.
My antenna broke.
It was a wall into which I flew.
Or maybe it was a tree made out of oak.

You did this to see me, drone.
Admit it, you love me, it is known.
You do not want to be alone.
You see me as this precious stone.
Your future backbone.
A life milestone.
Enough with the secret undertone.
Admit it, you love me, let it be shown.

I must go!

Honeybee, I need you.
My wing is weak.
It looks all blue.
Oh how my future is bleak!

You did this to see me, drone.
Admit it, you love me, it is known.
You do not want to be alone.
You see me as this precious stone.
Your future backbone.
A life milestone.
Enough with the secret undertone.
Admit it, you love me, let it be shown.

I must go!

Honeybee, I need you.
My leg got stuck in an egg.
Life is entirely askew!
Ow ow ow, my leg!

You did this to see me, drone.
Admit it, you love me, it is known.
You do not want to be alone.
You see me as this precious stone.
Your future backbone.
A life milestone.
Enough with the secret undertone.
Admit it, you love me, let it be shown.

I must go!

Honeybee, I need you.
My heart is broken.
From the moment we met, I knew.
You are my everything, although unspoken…

You did this to see me, drone.
But alas, it is too late.
Someone else will carry my throne.
A new date, a new fate.
I loved you.
And you knew.


The end.

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