Tom and Jerry is Trending: How to Create Endless Unique Content in 4 Ways


I set out to make a video based on the top English language search result starting with T. Tom and Jerry topped the list.


Then I went down a rabbit hole (mouse hole?) wondering why this 1960’s classic is making a comeback. I’m seeing compilation videos from Warner Bros. on YouTube. It appears there is a southeast asian remake releasing later this year.

The show was not really my cup of tea as a 90’s child. It had some serious cartoon violence and didn’t resonate with me.

It’s funny that this is trending because a Tom and Jerry movie was released in 2021 and flopped. I never saw it, but the reviews from audiences and critics are terrible.

It got me thinking – should we be looking at more cartoons in Asia and relaunching them in North America? We’ve seen the success of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. Are there others we’re missing?

Search as a tool for content creation.

So, in less than five minutes, I was able to write out a serious piece of conversational content, not AI generated, unique to my voice, just by checking out today’s search trend on YouTube. As you’ll see by the thumbnail, Taylor Swift is also an excellent option.

Every day I’m seeing people paralyzed by the idea of finding new content to create. Any platform of your choice has a search function with the ability to find endless topics to talk about – topics people are searching for! Add your unique commentary to it and voila, content created.

Life as a tool for content creation.

Aside from searching for topics instantaneously, start reflecting on your life and see what story needs spreading. By the time you reach 18 years of age, you have a career’s worth of content to discuss with the world, no matter how boring or dull you think your life was.

If you’re Mr. Boring Dude, there’s a good chance you’ll find people who will align with your personality, thereby creating an army of boring followers.

Lists as a tool for content creation.

Top 10 Tom and Jerry shows.

Top 10 movies.

Top 10 songs.

The list goes on…

Listicles are a brilliant way of generating content around your interests. You have tips and personal faves to share. Make a list and talk about them!

Spreadsheets as a tool for content creation.

Over the years, I’ve gathered 4,000+ ideas into a single spreadsheet. Anytime I need content, it’s all there. I’m pretty much set for several lifetimes. Take note of your daily observations. There is a goldmine to what you are witnessing.

I’ll leave you with a final question:

Should Tom and Jerry be trending?

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