How To Make An Automated Email Newsletter In Seconds

Making an automated email campaign that lives on forever is easy. All you need is MailChimp to set up the email format and a blog that you update regularly.

You will take the RSS feed from your blog and have it map into the email.

I run a monthly newsletter using this method, and I don’t have to manage a thing. If you have more content on your blog, you could run a more frequent campaign, i.e., weekly. Just be careful not to send too many emails, as you might lose subscribers.

Here is the template I use for email automation (feel free to use this for your campaign):

Simple Text template
Subject example: 5-Minute Fix
From: Person/Business Name
From (email): Business email
Preview text: The latest this month
Headline: 5-Minute Fix
Read More button
Business name | Unsubscribe
Business mailing address (no hyperlink)

You may change the subject line and other variables to suit your needs. A plain-text email is all you need to get started with your first campaign. Email marketing research has shown that the simplest email tends to convert the best.

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