600 YouTube Subscribers
Thank you for helping me reach 600 YouTube subscribers! You are truly wonderful. I am beyond grateful for having you join me on this journey.
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Thank you for helping me reach 600 YouTube subscribers! You are truly wonderful. I am beyond grateful for having you join me on this journey.
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Here is how I got 1,000 YouTube views for 1 video in 6 hours…doing nothing.
How I Got 1,000 YouTube Views for 1 Video in 6 Hours…Doing Nothing Read More »
Here is how you can find a profitable eCommerce niche.
The first question to ask: what interests you?
Almost any niche could work, but first you should ask yourself what kind of store you could run on a daily basis. If someone can make millions selling pet rocks, anything is fair game.
The ultimate three money-making niches are: wealth, health, and relationships. Sell something within a subcategory of those niches and you have a potential winner. Again, this all depends on what interests you.
Another approach to niche discovery is to think of a product that only 10,000 customers might want. Why? It helps you to laser-focus your business on a specific audience. Sure, you can expand later, but the more specific to start, the better your marketing and sales results will be. Everything to everyone is nothing to no one.
You could also do a search on Shopify for eCommerce inspiration. I found a number of listicles on there, such as “50 Best Shopify Stores to Inspire Entrepreneurs in 2021”. That’s a good way to open the idea flood gates.
Conduct keyword research on Google to see what is popular in search results. You might just find a trending idea for your next store.
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